


Hue, 68, Colors of Hoi An

Hue, 68, Colors of Hoi An

Huệ, 68, gets a ride to work in Hoi An, Viet­nam. When I took this pho­to we did­n’t know who she was so we sought her out to learn her story.

The Hill Tribes of Vietnam

The Hill Tribes of Vietnam

Viet­namese Hill Tribes” is some­times used to describe the eth­nic minor­i­ty groups in Viet­nam, most of which, live in the mountains.

Hong Kong

The Ancient Rock Carvings of Po Toi Island

The Ancient Rock Carvings of Po Toi Island

Not much is known about Hong Kong’s ancient rock carv­ings, scat­tered amongst the islands, 8 in total have been found. They have been esti­mat­ed to be from the Bronze Age, which for Hong Kong is about 3,000 years ago.

5 Must-See Temples in Hong Kong

5 Must-See Temples in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Tem­ples are known world­wide for their vari­ety and unique char­ac­ter. Any vis­it should include these 5 tem­ples, in no par­tic­u­lar order. My favorite Hong Kong Tem­ple is prob­a­bly the Ten Thou­sand Bud­dhas Monastery, quirky, beau­ti­ful, peace­ful and with great…

Montane Mansion, Quarry Bay — Photography Guide

Montane Mansion, Quarry Bay — Photography Guide

You’ve prob­a­bly seen the pic­tures, dense, col­or­ful apart­ments of Hong Kong that appear to close in around you, yet there’s a cer­tain beau­ty too it. Hong Kong’s Mon­tane Man­sion in Quar­ry Bay (also called the Mon­ster Build­ing) is a must-see for any photographer’s visit…


Thakhek Loop — Frequently Asked Questions

Thakhek Loop — Frequently Asked Questions

The most com­mon ques­tions I’ve heard or seen asked about the Thakhek Motor­bike Loop. A 450-kilo­me­ter motor­cy­cle adven­ture through the heart of Laos. If you have a ques­tion that isn’t list­ed here please ask in the com­ments. I will try to incor­po­rate every­thing into…

Thakhek Loop — In Pictures

Thakhek Loop — In Pictures

Start­ing in Thakhek, the Thakhek Loop is one of the more adven­tur­ous attrac­tions of Laos. Tow­er­ing karst peaks, the 7.5‑kilometer Kon­glor Cave, indige­nous vil­lages, lush forests, water­falls, and count­less caves and swim­ming holes. All tak­en in at your own pace from a…

Thakhek Loop — The Complete Guide

Thakhek Loop — The Complete Guide

Start­ing in Thakhek, the Thakhek Motor­bike Loop is one of the more adven­tures attrac­tions of Laos. Tow­er­ing karst peaks, the 7.5‑kilometer Kon­glor Cave, indige­nous vil­lages, lush forests, water­falls and count­less caves and swim­ming holes. All tak­en in at your own pace from a motorbike.


Three Things to do in Shenzhen, China

Three Things to do in Shenzhen, China

Just across the bor­der from Hong Kong, Shen­zhen isn’t usu­al­ly a des­ti­na­tion peo­ple con­sid­er spend­ing much time in. But if you do find your­self here and have some time to spare here are 3 Shen­zhen attrac­tions to check out, in addi­tion to any shop­ping of course. 1.…

Ten Tips for the First Time Traveler to China

Ten Tips for the First Time Traveler to China

Ten things that would have made trav­el­ing to Chi­na a lot eas­i­er on my first trip. It can be excit­ing dis­cov­er­ing them on your own, or it can be a big headache. So hope­ful­ly my frus­tra­tions will make things just a lit­tle eas­i­er for you. Here are ten Chi­na Trav­el Tips you must know before vis­it­ing China.

Feilaisi — Gateway to Yubeng Village

Feilaisi — Gateway to Yubeng Village

The pic­turesque Tibetan styled town of Feilaisi hangs on the moun­tain­side high above the Lan­cang (Mekong) Riv­er in South West­ern Chi­na, with spec­tac­u­lar views of the Meili Snow Moun­tains, dom­i­nat­ed by Kawage­bo (Kawagarbo/Khawa kar­po) 6,740 m (22,110 ft) one of the…