


Giay Shaman Northern Vietnam

Giay Shaman Northern Vietnam

I am a fourth-gen­er­a­­tion shaman. My father is a shaman as well. I start­ed to learn when I was 15.” Lái, Giáy Eth­nic Group, Ha Giang, Vietnam. 

The Ethnic Diversity of Northern Vietnam

The Ethnic Diversity of Northern Vietnam

The Eth­nic Diver­si­ty of North­ern Viet­nam is a Pho­tog­ra­phy and Cul­ture Project by Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Alden Ander­son and his part­ner Trinh Nguyen, Doc­u­ment­ing the Beau­ti­ful, Rich, and Diverse Eth­nic Groups of North­ern Vietnam.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s Free Ride-To-The-Sky

Hong Kong’s Free Ride-To-The-Sky

I squint my eyes try­ing to get the sen­sa­tion of fly­ing, or per­haps rap­pelling. It’s been over a year since I’ve rap­pelled from a height like this, and nev­er from a build­ing. I’m inside the Hopewell Cen­ter Obser­va­tion Ele­va­tor, a free gut wrench­ing ride above the city.…

Yim Tin Tsai — Hong Kong’s Ghost Island

Yim Tin Tsai — Hong Kong’s Ghost Island

Ghosts of Yim Tin Tsai Once home to a thriv­ing Salt Indus­try Yim Tin Tsai Island is now most­ly aban­doned with some fas­ci­nat­ing neglect­ed build­ings slow­ly decay­ing, being tak­en back to the earth by the inevitable hand of nature. The island was first settled…

Dragon Holes of Hong Kong

Dragon Holes of Hong Kong

A glance around Hong Kong and you might notice odd holes in the mid­dle of its sky­scrap­ers. An unusu­al and unique fea­ture of this city. Why build gaps into a build­ing in a city with some of the high­est real estate prices in the world? The answer lies in drag­ons and the…


Kong Lor Cave — In Pictures

Kong Lor Cave — In Pictures

Past rice fields, through small vil­lages, backed by lush, jun­gle-cov­ered karst peaks. It’s rur­al Laos and we are on the way to Kong Lor Cave, one of the longest Riv­er Caves in the world. Sev­en and a half kilo­me­ters of riv­er, far beneath the earth­’s sur­face. Out here…

Kong Lor Cave — Complete Guide

Kong Lor Cave — Complete Guide

Rock­et­ing through the dark­ness on a long, thin wood­en boat, the local guide skill­ful­ly maneu­vers around the obsta­cles fol­low­ing the wind­ing path of the riv­er cave. Look­ing up at the ceil­ing of the cave stirs my imag­i­na­tion, I’m inside the bel­ly of some gar­gan­tu­an sea…

Xieng Liap Cave, Thakhek Loop, Laos

Xieng Liap Cave, Thakhek Loop, Laos

Drift­ing through on a long wood­en boat into the gap­ing mouth, just before we are engulfed in dark­ness, light, shin­ing through at the oth­er end, lush green jun­gle. A huge open­ing, water drips from the ceil­ing as I swim on my back look­ing up at it. Tham Xieng Liap is a…


Tiger Leaping Gorge — Complete Hiking Guide

Tiger Leaping Gorge — Complete Hiking Guide

Intro­duc­tion to Tiger Leap­ing Gorge Clouds hov­er on the moun­tain­side, drift­ing through the ridges cov­ered in lush green forests, water­falls cas­cade to the rag­ing Jin­sha riv­er below, high above tow­er­ing over you is the jagged ridge­line and snowy peak of Jade…