Thakhek Loop — Frequently Asked Questions

Thakhek Loop — Frequently Asked Questions

The most com­mon ques­tions I’ve heard or seen asked about the Thakhek Motor­bike Loop. A 450-kilo­me­ter motor­cy­cle adven­ture through the heart of Laos. If you have a ques­tion that isn’t list­ed here please ask in the com­ments. I will try to incor­po­rate...
Thakhek Loop — In Pictures

Thakhek Loop — In Pictures

Start­ing in Thakhek, the Thakhek Loop is one of the more adven­tur­ous attrac­tions of Laos. Tow­er­ing karst peaks, the 7.5‑kilometer Kon­glor Cave, indige­nous vil­lages, lush forests, water­falls, and count­less caves and swim­ming holes. All tak­en in at your own...
Thakhek Loop — The Complete Guide

Thakhek Loop — The Complete Guide

Start­ing in Thakhek, the Thakhek Motor­bike Loop (Also called Tha Khaek Loop, The Loop, and Kong Lor Loop) is one of the more adven­tures attrac­tions of Laos. Tow­er­ing karst peaks, the 7.5‑kilometer Kon­glor Cave, indige­nous vil­lages, lush forests,...
Tham Pa Seuam, Thakhek Laos

Tham Pa Seuam, Thakhek Laos

Tham Pa Seuam (Pa Seuam Cave) is a beau­ti­ful 3‑kilometer long riv­er cave which can be ful­ly appre­ci­at­ed by rent­ing kayaks as part of a 3‑hour tour inside, or swim­ming through the cave. Oth­er­wise, you can walk to the entrance of the cave but can­not go very...
Buddha Cave, Thakhek Laos

Buddha Cave, Thakhek Laos

The Bud­dha Cave is one of the first stops on the Thakhek Loop, not far from Thakhek, Laos. 6 km down a dirt road off of Route 12, known local­ly as Tham Pa Fa (Pa Fa Cave). This Bud­dha Cave is filled with 229 bronze Bud­dhist stat­ues up to 500 years old which can...
Kong Lor Cave — In Pictures

Kong Lor Cave — In Pictures

Past rice fields, through small vil­lages, backed by lush, jun­gle-cov­ered karst peaks. It’s rur­al Laos and we are on the way to Kong Lor Cave, one of the longest Riv­er Caves in the world. Sev­en and a half kilo­me­ters of riv­er, far beneath the earth­’s...