


Dai, 82 — Selling Bananas in Hoi An

Dai, 82 — Selling Bananas in Hoi An

You should not steal stuff if you work for Amer­i­cans” Đại recounts her days in Hoi An dur­ing the Vietnam/American War. Now at 82 she sells bananas and pos­es for pho­tos in the Old Town.

Colors of Hoi An — A Photo Essay

Colors of Hoi An — A Photo Essay

Col­ors of Hoi An” — a pho­tog­ra­phy project to high­light the bold col­ors of Hoi An, Viet­nam, jux­ta­posed with the dai­ly life of the locals.

Planting Rice, Hoi An, Vietnam

Planting Rice, Hoi An, Vietnam

Ask him (hus­band) to help plant rice?! He will step on all the rice!!!” Just before the Viet­namese Lunar New Year (Tet) Sáu is work­ing to get her rice plant­ed. She enlist­ed the help of some friends and we talked with them as the sun went down.

Hong Kong

Kamikaze Tunnels of Hong Kong- A story of War and Occupation

Kamikaze Tunnels of Hong Kong- A story of War and Occupation

The ocean is calm as the British Air­craft Car­ri­er slow­ly steams into the Japan­ese occu­pied waters of Hong Kong, appre­hen­sive of float­ing mines. A sun­ny morn­ing in August 1945. Bat­tle sta­tions aboard the HMS Vengeance are manned, gun­ners on high alert. The 7 foot…

10 Cheap/Free Things To Do In Hong Kong

10 Cheap/Free Things To Do In Hong Kong

The thriv­ing metrop­o­lis of Hong Kong is a city that has much to dis­cov­er. With its mediter­ranean-like islands and beach­es to its fine din­ing and shop­ping. It’s a unique blend of Can­tonese and West­ern cul­ture with an intrigu­ing his­to­ry and breath­tak­ing views of…

Hong Kong’s Monster Building

Hong Kong’s Monster Building

Cramped pub­lic hous­ing “man­sions” from the 1960s per­fect­ly con­vey the feel­ing of Hong Kong, one of the most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed cities in the world. “4 to 5 Mil­lion HKD….to live in this grave­yard.” (500–640 thou­sand USD) my friend Bon­nie tells me. She’s from Hong Kong,…


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