Three Things to do in Shenzhen, China

Three Things to do in Shenzhen, China

Just across the bor­der from Hong Kong, Shen­zhen isn’t usu­al­ly a des­ti­na­tion peo­ple con­sid­er spend­ing much time in. But if you do find your­self here and have some time to spare here are 3 Shen­zhen attrac­tions to check out, in addi­tion to any shop­ping of...
Ten Tips for the First Time Traveler to China

Ten Tips for the First Time Traveler to China

Ten things that would have made trav­el­ing to Chi­na a lot eas­i­er on my first trip. It can be excit­ing dis­cov­er­ing them on your own, or it can be a big headache. So hope­ful­ly my frus­tra­tions will make things just a lit­tle eas­i­er for you. Here are ten...
Feilaisi — Gateway to Yubeng Village

Feilaisi — Gateway to Yubeng Village

The pic­turesque Tibetan styled town of Feilaisi hangs on the moun­tain­side high above the Lan­cang (Mekong) Riv­er in South West­ern Chi­na, with spec­tac­u­lar views of the Meili Snow Moun­tains, dom­i­nat­ed by Kawage­bo (Kawagarbo/Khawa kar­po) 6,740 m (22,110...
Yubeng Village – A Photo Journey to Tibetan China

Yubeng Village – A Photo Journey to Tibetan China

I just returned from 4 days of hik­ing in this beau­ti­ful remote moun­tain vil­lage in Chi­na. Yubeng! Tucked in a val­ley sur­round­ed by glaciat­ed peaks right on the bor­der with Tibet. The only way to get here is by foot, or for those with a bad case of...
Yubeng Village China — Complete Guide

Yubeng Village China — Complete Guide

Intro­duc­tion to Yubeng Vil­lage, China Nes­tled in a farm­ing val­ley in Chi­na on the bor­der of Tibet, amongst lush green forests, sur­round­ed by rugged glac­i­er cov­ered moun­tains lie the 2 small vil­lages of Upper & Low­er Yubeng. There is a dirt...

A year and a half traveling so far…

It’s been almost a year and half since I set off to Europe. I’d imag­ined I’d be gone for about 6 months before return­ing to Los Angeles….well that didn’t real­ly hap­pen. The longer I trav­el the more the con­cept of home becomes, well, kind of just a con­cept and...