5 Must-See Temples in Hong Kong

5 Must-See Temples in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Tem­ples are known world­wide for their vari­ety and unique char­ac­ter. Any vis­it should include these 5 tem­ples, in no par­tic­u­lar order. My favorite Hong Kong Tem­ple is prob­a­bly the Ten Thou­sand Bud­dhas Monastery, quirky, beau­ti­ful, peace­ful...
Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

Man Mo Temple, Hong Kong

The air is heavy with incense smoke, large coils hang from the ceil­ing. One of the old­est tem­ples in Hong Kong. A qui­et, calm atmos­phere, in con­trast to the bus­tle and ritzy streets of Cen­tral Hong Kong. Man Mo Tem­ple on Hol­ly­wood Road is the largest and...
Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery

Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery

Ascend a wind­ing stair­case lined by gold­en, life-sized stat­ues of Bud­dhist men, each a unique char­ac­ter with a unique facial expres­sion. The artist who cre­at­ed them was clear­ly quite cre­ative and as you ascend the 400+ steps to the Ten Thou­sand Bud­dhas...