Ba, Boat Ferry, Hoi An

Ba, 70 — Hoi An Ferry Every morn­ing along with her sis­ter, Ba runs a short fer­ry across the Thu Bon Riv­er in Hoi An. While her morn­ing cus­tomers are typ­i­cal­ly locals, lat­er in the day and into the evening she gives boat rides to tourists. “I came to Hoi An...

Hoi An The People

Hoi An The People Sto­ries from the Peo­ple of Hoi An, Viet­nam A Cul­tur­al Pho­tog­ra­phy Project by Alden Ander­son & Trinh Nguyen Nhi, 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam Ba — Lotus Harvest — Hoi An Thuc, 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam Sáu — Planting Rice — Hoi An Sto­ries...

Hoa, 43, Gathering Krill

Hoa, 43 — Drying Krill Hoa gath­ers krill that has been dried on nets in the sun. For the last few decades, she’s worked in the kitchen of a small hotel in Hoi An, Viet­nam. Now times are dif­fer­ent. She explains: “Due to the Coro­n­avirus spread, the hotel is...

Hien, 83, Memories in Smoke

Hien, 83 — Memories in Smoke Giv­ing Hiển his pho­to   Hiển was so hap­py to receive his pho­to and hung it up inside his house. When we returned on Tet (Lunar New Year) he was hav­ing a big fam­i­ly gath­er­ing and they all wel­comed us in like fam­i­ly....
Minh — Hoi An, Vietnam

Minh — Hoi An, Vietnam

Minh — Hoi An, Vietnam Minh — Farmer, Hoi An, Viet­nam A sun­ny after­noon in the coun­try­side of Viet­nam. Minh takes a break, sit­ting next to her friend beneath the shade of her Nón Lá (con­i­cal hat). “I have been work­ing as a farmer since I was a kid,” Minh...
Phuong, 50 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Phuong, 50 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Phuong, 55 — Hoi An, Vietnam Phuong, 55, Farmer, Hoi An, Viet­nam “I became a farmer when I was 14 or 15 years old. Now I am 55. Being a farmer requires me to work hard but the income is not good. How­ev­er, I still do it, because it has been my job since I was a...