Phuong, 55 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Phuong Farmer Hoi An Vietnam
Phuong, 55, Farmer, Hoi An, Vietnam

I became a farmer when I was 14 or 15 years old. Now I am 55. Being a farmer requires me to work hard but the income is not good. How­ev­er, I still do it, because it has been my job since I was a kid.”

Life is bet­ter now com­pared to the past. I am not as rich as oth­er peo­ple are. There is no star­va­tion any­more. In the past, we were starving.”

My thir­ty-year-old son, who is dis­abled, got mar­ried. He can only see in one eye. I have a 4‑year-old grand­child now, but the kid is dis­abled too. We had been tak­ing my grand­kid to the hos­pi­tal when he was just a few days old. How­ev­er, he is still like that. The optic nerves do not work any­more. And he can­not speak. I wish there were a way of treat­ment for my grand­child, so he could see the world with one eye at least. Just, only one. I wish there were magic!”

Phượng, 55 years old
Hoi An, Vietnam

Phuong, Farmer, Hoi An, Vietnam

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