Colors of Hoi An II

Colors of Hoi An II — The Story Hoa car­ries flow­ers to sell at the mar­ket in Hoi An, Viet­nam. Using two bas­kets bal­anced with a bam­boo pole (Don Ganh) she walks from her house to the old town. “Car­ry­ing the flow­ers like this is eas­i­er for me. On the way...

Lien, Xa Phang Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Lien, Xa Phang Ethnic Group, Vietnam “I made my own shoes. Old peo­ple teach the young gen­er­a­tion how to make their tra­di­tion­al clothes. Moth­ers teach their kids. Or moth­ers-in-law will teach their daugh­ter-in-law if she does­n’t know how to make it.”...

Nhien & La, Pu Peo Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Nhien & La, Pu Peo Ethnic Group, Vietnam Nhiến, 80, & Là, 87, Pu Péo Eth­nic Group   Perched on the moun­tain­side tucked away in the fur­thest reach­es of North­ern Viet­nam is a small vil­lage with one of the small­est eth­nic groups in Viet­nam,...

Choc, 45, Giay Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Chốc, Giay Ethnic Group, Vietnam “I made these clothes with­in 3 months. It is extreme­ly hard to make them. We have to dye the cloth until the col­or does­n’t change when we wash them. If I don’t go to work, and just stay at home to sew the clothes, it would take me...

Quay, 102, Red Dao Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Quáy, 102, Dao Ethnic Group, Vietnam “This old woman still goes to work. She works every day! Very strong! Each day she goes to work twice! She col­lects veg­eta­bles for pigs and cuts the wood for fires.” (her neigh­bor explains) It was a rainy day dri­ving through...

Hac, Lao Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Hac, Lao Ethnic Group, Vietnam “I raised this roost­er to catch wild roost­ers in the for­est. I have a trap, I bring it to the for­est then put the roost­er in it. The roost­er crows then the wild roost­ers run to the trap. He crows loud­ly. He is also very good at...