Chien Dan Cham Temples

Chien Dan Cham Temples

Under an omi­nous sky and set­ting sun, I pull off the high­way. Just a few hun­dred feet away three tow­ers come into view. Old and over­grown, grass and bush­es sprout from the cracks between the ter­ra­cot­ta bricks. It feels like an ancient for­got­ten city, in...
One Day in Hue

One Day in Hue

Hue City is the ancient cap­i­tal of Viet­nam with the high­est con­cen­tra­tion of his­toric struc­tures in the coun­try. But what do you do if you only have one day in Hue? Here is my overview for the time-con­scious trav­el­er with just one day in Hue. 1. The...
Imperial City Hue: The Citadel

Imperial City Hue: The Citadel

The Hue Citadel, thick walls lined with watch­tow­ers, sur­round­ed by a moat, topped with can­nons. For­ti­fi­ca­tions that sur­round­ed the ancient Impe­r­i­al City of Viet­nam, back when emper­ors ruled and the Viet­namese still wrote with Chi­nese influ­enced...
Welcome to Da Nang — A 360 Short

Welcome to Da Nang — A 360 Short

He’s still look­ing at me, then what comes out of his mouth is some­thing I’ve nev­er heard from any­one in Viet­nam, young or old. It catch­es me off guard and I have no idea how to respond.     The Hai Van Pass A beau­ti­ful beach, out­side the city,...
Tomb of Tu Duc — Hue

Tomb of Tu Duc — Hue

Of all roy­al the tombs around Hue Tu Duc Tomb is my favorite. Some build­ings are restored while oth­er areas are in a state of arrest­ed decay keep­ing its ancient atmos­phere. Sit­u­at­ed in the midst of a pine for­est 6 km from the city, it’s a beau­ti­ful and...
Getting a Vietnam Embassy Visa

Getting a Vietnam Embassy Visa

Get­ting a Visa for Viet­nam, if you are fly­ing into the coun­try is fair­ly straight­for­ward, with lots of agen­cies to help you get a Visa on arrival. I’ve described the Viet­nam Visa on Arrival process here. How­ev­er, there is far less infor­ma­tion and no...