The Ethnic Diversity of Northern Vietnam

The Ethnic Diversity of Northern Vietnam

The Ethnic Diversity of Northern Vietnam “The Ha Nhi’s cos­tume has blue stitch­ing and labyrinthine lines rep­re­sent­ing moun­tains and rice ter­races. The blue col­or rep­re­sents life. The tra­di­tion­al cos­tume is indis­pens­able in our cul­ture.” — Trụ,...

Nga — Hoi An Flood

Nga — Flood in Hoi An Nga — Flood in Hoi An Nga holds her daugh­ter Thảo, 6, on her bal­cony dur­ing the Octo­ber 2020 flood­ing in Hoi An, Viet­nam. As I wad­ed in the chest-deep water they looked down from the bal­cony smil­ing and watch­ing the boats go by. “This...
Sa, Hoi An during the Flood

Sa, Hoi An during the Flood

Sa — Flood in Hoi An Sa — Hoi An Flood  Sa stands at the emer­gency flood exit-door built into the attic of her house in Hoi An, Viet­nam. “Usu­al­ly, there are floods at this time of the year. The high­est water lev­el in my house was 2.2 meters (7.2 feet).” “If...