Nga — Flood in Hoi An

Nga — Flood in Hoi An

Nga holds her daugh­ter Thảo, 6, on her bal­cony dur­ing the Octo­ber 2020 flood­ing in Hoi An, Vietnam.

As I wad­ed in the chest-deep water they looked down from the bal­cony smil­ing and watch­ing the boats go by.

This lad­der is used as a tool for us to climb down to the boat. It is tied to the balcony.”

If we want to go and buy some food, we have to get a boat. Because the water some­times ris­es so quick­ly and we don’t have time to buy food. Rain, flood, and no pow­er. I bought an alco­hol stove and make instant noo­dles to cook for my kids.”

This is my uncle’s house. My house, on An Hoi island, it was flood­ed and the water lev­el was over our heads, so we moved here.”

Trinh: Your voice is so sweet. Are you from the North?

Nga: I am orig­i­nal­ly from Ha Nam (North Viet­nam) and now I am sell­ing Banh Cuon (rice noo­dle rolls) in Hoi An. We moved here about 2 years ago.


Nga Flood in Hoi An

Trinh: Why did you move here?

Nga: The weath­er is nice. Life is relax­ing. The locals are friend­ly and lov­ing. We came to vis­it once and decid­ed to stay.

Trinh: How do you feel dur­ing your first expe­ri­ence of floods in Hoi An?

Nga: In gen­er­al, I can see that peo­ple have to deal with a lot of dif­fi­cul­ties. Stand­ing in my house, I saw their belong­ings float­ing every­where. But the locals are used to liv­ing with the flood.

If you stay here, you should learn how to swim.”

Hoi An Flood

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