Hoi An Flood Japanese Bridge

Hoi An Flood Japanese Bridge

Len — Flood in Hoi An Len — Hoi An Flood, Japan­ese Bridge “Yes­ter­day was such an exhaust­ing day. I was so wor­ried about my boat and I could not sleep. I stayed up the whole night to pro­tect my boat, oth­er­wise, the wind would blow it away. If I had just...

Nga — Hoi An Flood

Nga — Flood in Hoi An Nga — Flood in Hoi An Nga holds her daugh­ter Thảo, 6, on her bal­cony dur­ing the Octo­ber 2020 flood­ing in Hoi An, Viet­nam. As I wad­ed in the chest-deep water they looked down from the bal­cony smil­ing and watch­ing the boats go by. “This...