Qua, 3, Dao Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Dao Ethnic Group Ha Giang Vietnam

Qua is from the Dao eth­nic group liv­ing in a small moun­tain vil­lage in North­ern Viet­nam. Being only 3 years old she hasn’t yet been to pri­ma­ry school and learned Viet­namese. There­fore, she just speaks the lan­guage of her eth­nic group, Dao.

We stum­bled across her vil­lage while dri­ving through the moun­tains of Ha Giang. A small vil­lage where almost every adult was wear­ing their tra­di­tion­al cloth­ing, much like Qua is here.

Lê Qua, 3 years old
Dao Áo Dài, Eth­nic Group
Ha Giang, Vietnam

Like the major­i­ty of the eth­nic groups in Viet­nam, the Dao has dif­fer­ent eth­nic sub-groups with­in the pri­ma­ry Dao Eth­nic Group in North­ern Viet­nam. Qua is from the Dao Áo Dài sub-group also known as the Dao Chàm.

As we trav­eled across the moun­tain­ous regions of North­ern Viet­nam it became clear that the sub-groups with­in the larg­er eth­nic groups can be quite dif­fer­ent in many regards such as dress, cus­toms, and even language.

Dao Ethnic Group — Summary

Official Name


Population (Vietnam)


Location (Province)


Language Group


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