The Story of a Pa Then Couple
Tả 61, Phong 65 — Ha Giang Vietnam
“We lived in the same village. At first, we found out that we matched and “joked” with each other, then we fell in love. Her family rejected our marriage for 4 years, eventually, they allowed us. You have to be persistent and patient, otherwise, you cannot have a wife” Phong says chuckling shyly.
“We learned about our love for each other through our eyes because we didn’t have many chances to sit together. We were not allowed to hang out much. Young people at that time were strictly controlled. After 9:00 PM we had to go home to sleep.”
“According to our tradition, once a couple gets married, they will be together until the end of their lives. No matter how poor or sick, or how hard our life is, they will never give up on each other. If one of them passes away, they can get married to another person, but even then people will often stay as a widow(er) because they love each other.”
Tả 61, Phong 65
Pà Thẻn Ethnic Group
Ha Giang, Vietnam
Tả and Phong have been happily married for 43 years.