Nhì , 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Nhì, 70 — Tra Que Vegetable Village
Nhì is 70 years old, working in perhaps the most famous organic garden in central Vietnam: Trà Quế, in Hoi An.
“I get up at 4:00 AM and start to water and collect vegetables, my daughter-in-law will bring them to the market to sell them. When I was a kid, I started to work here. I have been living here, my whole life.”
“This land is from my ancestors. So I just continue to work here. My ancestors started to work here under the rule of King Gia Long (the first Emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty, unifying what is now Vietnam, in 1802).”
“Only vegetables grown here smell good. If you grow them somewhere else in Hoi An, they will not smell better than the vegetables here.”
“In the early morning, everybody here works a lot, watering plants and collecting vegetables. I grow lettuce, onions, spinach, morning glory, and many herbs. Mostly we use fertilizer from cows or peanuts. We use buckets for watering, although 3 years ago many sprinklers were installed.”
“So many people take pictures of me. Fun! Haha. I was working in the garden and someone filmed me from above (using a drone). That person was sitting somewhere in a bush. Hehe.”
Nhì, 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam