Thuc , 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Thuc, Hoi An, Vietnam, Farmer

Thức is plant­i­ng pep­per plant seedlings in the late after­noon sun.

I have been liv­ing in Hoi An and doing farm­ing since 1975. The gov­ern­ment gave us this land after the war. I live near here.”

Being a farmer is real­ly dif­fi­cult. Our crops always depend on the weath­er. Now most of the young gen­er­a­tions don’t work on the farms any­more. They go to school and then they find bet­ter jobs.”

Now I am work­ing here just to keep the land clean. My chil­dren are all grown up. I don’t work much any­more. I just work here to pre­vent the land from the weeds.”

I have 3 girls and 1 boy. My youngest son doesn’t want me to work. How­ev­er, he respects me and lets me work on this land because I want to keep the land. And he tells me that when I am tired or want to stop doing the work, I can sell the land.”

He went to school, grad­u­at­ed and he is now work­ing for a car com­pa­ny. His mom (my wife) passed away when he was 5 years old because of a stroke, I had to work hard, raise him on my own and send him to school. Before that, my back wasn’t bent like this. Now, all of my chil­dren are very good to me. They always take care of me” he says with a big smile.

Thức, 70 years old
Hoi An, Vietnam

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