Năm — Flood in Hoi An

Nam, Flood Hoi An Boat
Năm — Flood in Hoi An

Năm and her hus­band pad­dle their boat through Hoi An Old Town dur­ing the flood. With so much rain the Thu Bon Riv­er over­flowed and the streets of Hoi An turned into rivers, brown with silt from the fields and moun­tains above.

Dur­ing the flood sea­son, we give tourists boat rides. There aren’t many tourists this year” Năm tells us.

Two days after tak­ing this pho­to we had it print­ed and searched the area for them. With the help of one of our local friends we locat­ed their house, gave them the pho­to and learned a bit about their life in Hoi An.

The water was flow­ing strong. We had to pad­dle against the cur­rent so much that we were almost out of breath.”

Năm and her hus­band live on An Hoi Island (across from the old town) which was underwater.

The water was ris­ing high and flow­ing into my house, so we couldn’t do any­thing any­way. We decid­ed to work to earn some mon­ey for food.”

Năm looks down at the pho­to: “Aww, beau­ti­ful! So cute” she says with a giggle.

Hoi An, Viet­nam
Octo­ber, 2020

Nam with photo Hoi An

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