Planting Rice, Hoi An, Vietnam

Planting Rice, Hoi An, Vietnam

Planting rice before Tet “Ask him (hus­band) to help plant rice?! He will step on all the rice!!!” Rice plant­i­ng sea­son in the coun­try­side of Hoi An, Viet­nam. Just before the Viet­namese Lunar New Year (Tet) there was a flur­ry of activ­i­ty to get all of the...
Colors of the Market — Hoi An, Vietnam

Colors of the Market — Hoi An, Vietnam

Colors of the Market — Hoi An, Vietnam “I’ve been sell­ing veg­eta­bles here since I was about 18 years old. Now I am 70. Just a few of my hairs are turn­ing grey. They are not total­ly grey though. I also have my hair dyed black” Vọng says laugh­ing. “I am so old,...

Don Ganh — Colors of Hoi An

Don Ganh — Colors of Hoi An Every morn­ing Hà trav­els from her home in the coun­try­side of Hoi An, Viet­nam to sell Mì Quảng (a noo­dle dish) at the Hoi An mar­ket. She trans­ports every­thing in bas­kets sus­pend­ed on either side of a bam­boo pole, called “đòn...

Colors of Hoi An III — The Story

Colors of Hoi An III — The Story Ngoc car­ries her bicy­cle through Hoi An old town. Every day she vis­its the stores and restau­rants around Hoi An col­lect­ing items for recy­cling. Today she is sell­ing a bro­ken elec­tric bike to the recy­cling cen­ter. “I work...

Colors of Hoi An I — The Story

Colors of Hoi An I — The Story Thuý, 53, rides through the UNESCO Her­itage site, Hoi An Ancient Town. Locat­ed along the banks of the Thu Bon riv­er in Cen­tral Viet­nam, Hoi An is a small town that boomed for hun­dreds of years as an inter­na­tion­al...

Colors of Hoi An IV — The Story

Colors of Hoi An IV — The Story Linh returns home ear­ly in the morn­ing in Hoi An, Vietnam. “I was buy­ing a veg­e­tar­i­an break­fast for my son.” Linh, 70 years old­Hoi An, Vietnam Some­times I won­der about peo­ple I see going about their lives. I...