Colors of Hoi An IV — The Story

Colors of Hoi An Photography

Linh returns home ear­ly in the morn­ing in Hoi An, Vietnam.

I was buy­ing a veg­e­tar­i­an break­fast for my son.”

Linh, 70 years old
Hoi An, Vietnam

Some­times I won­der about peo­ple I see going about their lives. I won­der who they are and what they are doing. What their life is like. Street pho­tog­ra­phy is a pur­suit to cap­ture those moments in a pure­ly visu­al form with lit­tle to no inter­ac­tion with the peo­ple. Can­did shots of peo­ple going about their lives. There­fore it can be hard to know who they are or what their sto­ry is. A lot can be left up to the view­er to interpret.

As long as you are respect­ful there’s noth­ing wrong with it, but, as I’ve men­tioned before, I like to delve a lit­tle deep­er and get to know peo­ple. Learn about their lives.

When shoot­ing can­did street pho­tog­ra­phy like this you can’t stop every­one you see and talk to them. With a desire to learn about the woman we pho­tographed, we print­ed her pho­to and went back to this same spot and wait­ed for her the fol­low­ing week, at the same time in the morn­ing. It took 3 days of return­ing and wait­ing, but we final­ly caught up with her.

It turned out she was buy­ing break­fast for her son. She was sur­prised to see us and hap­py to receive her pho­to. “Thank you! I wish you health” she said before con­tin­u­ing her walk home, stop­ping to study the pic­ture and show it to her friends.

Colors of Hoi An

This pho­to is part of “Col­ors of Hoi An” — a pho­tog­ra­phy project to high­light the bold col­ors of Hoi An, Viet­nam, jux­ta­posed with the dai­ly life of the locals. Click here to learn more about “Col­ors of Hoi An”.

Hac's Rooster

Trinh with grand­ma Linh, 70, giv­ing her a print­ed pho­to. After tak­ing the pho­to we print­ed it and returned to this loca­tion sev­er­al times wait­ing to see her again. She was quite sur­prised and hap­py to receive her photo!

Discover more stories from ‘Colors of Hoi An’