Nhi, 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Nhì , 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam Nhì, 70 — Tra Que Veg­etable Vil­lage Nhì is 70 years old, work­ing in per­haps the most famous organ­ic gar­den in cen­tral Viet­nam: Trà Quế, in Hoi An. “I get up at 4:00 AM and start to water and col­lect veg­eta­bles, my daugh­ter-in-law...

Thuc, 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam

Thuc , 70 — Hoi An, Vietnam Thức is plant­i­ng pep­per plant seedlings in the late after­noon sun. “I have been liv­ing in Hoi An and doing farm­ing since 1975. The gov­ern­ment gave us this land after the war. I live near here.” “Being a farmer is real­ly...

Huyen, Hoi An, Vietnam

Huyền , 81 — Hoi An, Vietnam  Grand­ma Huyền sells flow­ers at the mar­ket in Hoi An, Viet­nam, a few times a month. “I love grow­ing flow­ers. Each month I have to plant twice, take care of them with fer­til­iz­er and water. I also pull the weeds. It...

Thai, Si La Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Thai, 74, Si La Ethnic Group, Vietnam “Since I was a kid, I have nev­er cut my hair. I just let it grow until it falls out. This bunch of hair is from my moth­er in law”  Thai says point­ing to the bunch of hair she is wrap­ping on her head in a...

Nhung, La Hu Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Nhung, 82, La Hu Ethnic Group, Vietnam Nhung was sit­ting in front of her wood­en house when we walked into her vil­lage. She had a warm smile and kind eyes. Speak­ing to her was dif­fi­cult as she didn’t know Viet­namese, so her son told us about their life and...

Linh, Xa Phang Ethnic Group, Vietnam

Linh, Xa Phang Ethnic Group, Vietnam “Meet­ing each oth­er might be our fate and des­tiny. We met on Facebook…showed him as a friend suggestion.” Linh, 18, is from the Xa Phang eth­nic group liv­ing in a small tra­di­tion­al vil­lage in North­ern Viet­nam. She and her...