10 Cheap/Free Things To Do In Hong Kong

10 Cheap/Free Things To Do In Hong Kong

The thriv­ing metrop­o­lis of Hong Kong is a city that has much to dis­cov­er. With its mediter­ranean-like islands and beach­es to its fine din­ing and shop­ping. It’s a unique blend of Can­tonese and West­ern cul­ture with an intrigu­ing his­to­ry and breath­tak­ing...
Hong Kong’s Monster Building

Hong Kong’s Monster Building

Cramped pub­lic hous­ing “man­sions” from the 1960s per­fect­ly con­vey the feel­ing of Hong Kong, one of the most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed cities in the world. “4 to 5 Mil­lion HKD….to live in this grave­yard.” (500–640 thou­sand USD) my friend Bon­nie tells me....