Hong Kong’s Free Ride-To-The-Sky

Hong Kong’s Free Ride-To-The-Sky

I squint my eyes try­ing to get the sen­sa­tion of fly­ing, or per­haps rap­pelling. It’s been over a year since I’ve rap­pelled from a height like this, and nev­er from a build­ing. I’m inside the Hopewell Cen­ter Obser­va­tion Ele­va­tor, a free gut wrench­ing...
Yim Tin Tsai — Hong Kong’s Ghost Island

Yim Tin Tsai — Hong Kong’s Ghost Island

Ghosts of Yim Tin Tsai Once home to a thriv­ing Salt Indus­try Yim Tin Tsai Island is now most­ly aban­doned with some fas­ci­nat­ing neglect­ed build­ings slow­ly decay­ing, being tak­en back to the earth by the inevitable hand of nature. The island...
Dragon Holes of Hong Kong

Dragon Holes of Hong Kong

A glance around Hong Kong and you might notice odd holes in the mid­dle of its sky­scrap­ers. An unusu­al and unique fea­ture of this city. Why build gaps into a build­ing in a city with some of the high­est real estate prices in the world? The answer lies in drag­ons...
Victoria Peak Hike — The Classic View of Hong Kong

Victoria Peak Hike — The Classic View of Hong Kong

When you pic­ture Hong Kong this view is per­haps the most com­mon. It’s cer­tain­ly the most acces­si­ble view from any of the moun­tains sur­round­ing the city, as you can take a tram or bus to the top and walk along the path sur­round­ing “The Peak” (What the...

Hong Kong — A City of Contrasts

Sit­ting, watch­ing the nev­er-end­ing ship lights on the hori­zon. They look like Christ­mas lights, I think to myself. A steady breeze blows against my tent and keeps the mos­qui­tos down — most­ly. Every few min­utes the light­house above me flash­es. A few hours...
Dragon’s Back — Asia’s Best Urban Hike

Dragon’s Back — Asia’s Best Urban Hike

  Drag­on’s Back Drag­on’s Back, a por­tion of the much longer Hong Kong Trail, is an eas­i­ly acces­si­ble, not very stren­u­ous hike along a ridge­line with great views of the ocean and islands sur­round­ing the Shek O penin­su­la on Hong Kong Island....