John Muir Trail Day 4–5: Tuolumne Meadows

  John Muir and Cathe­dral Peak Fol­low­ing the trail mean­der­ing down to Tuolumne Mead­ows I looked into the for­est sur­round­ing me and tried to pic­ture John Muir walk­ing through the same woods 143 years ear­li­er, almost to the day. It was Sep­tem­ber...

John Muir Trail: Day 2 — Half Dome

Sept 4, 2012 — Half Dome and not too much further Half Dome isn’t tech­ni­cal­ly part of the John Muir Trail. From where I camped  it was a 5 mile side-trip. Being so close to the JMT though lots of peo­ple take the time for it. Two years ago the park ser­vice...