Bình, 24 — Flood in Hoi An

Bình with his broom, Hoi An Flood
Bình, 24 — Hoi An Flood

Bình pos­es with his broom out­side of his home dur­ing the flood in Hoi An, Vietnam.

While I was swim­ming around in the flood, I saw him (Alden) tak­ing pic­tures so I posed for a pho­to. I was using that broom to push the trash stuck on the walls away.”

I decid­ed to stop in my dear Hoi An. I love peo­ple here because they are lov­ing, car­ing, and will­ing to sup­port each oth­er, which is very touching.”

The flood in Hoi An is actu­al­ly an over­flow of the Thu Bon Riv­er. There­fore, the riv­er cur­rent is still mov­ing through the streets and it car­ries trash along with it.

Bình came to live and work in Hoi An to start a new life. “Since I was 18, I’ve lived inde­pen­dent­ly with­out rely­ing on my fam­i­ly. I’ve trav­eled alone around Viet­nam to start my own career. I am from Ninh Binh. Last year, I decid­ed to stop in my dear Hoi An. I love peo­ple here because they are lov­ing, car­ing, and will­ing to sup­port each oth­er, which is very touching.”

Bình rent­ed a house to open a cof­fee shop in a small alley in Hoi An. How­ev­er, the cof­fee shop has been closed due to Covid-19 and nat­ur­al dis­as­ters (floods). “Dur­ing this flood, I just stay in my cof­feeshop because I don’t know where to go. I don’t know many locals, so I just stay here to look after my prop­er­ty”. Despite the dif­fi­cul­ties, Binh stays pos­i­tive. “I am Viet­namese. Being neg­a­tive and sad does­n’t make the dis­as­ters go away. There­fore, we should accept it with a smile and soon every­thing will be back to normal.”

When trav­el does return to nor­mal, you can come to Hoi An and vis­it Bìn­h’s cof­fee shop at 11/3 Nguyen Thai Hoc (down the alley next to the blue building).

Bình, 24 years old
Hoi An Vietnam

Binh and his dog Hoi An

We returned to see Bình, give him his pho­to, learn about his life, and meet his beau­ti­ful dal­ma­t­ian whom he rescued.

I am Viet­namese. Being neg­a­tive and sad does­n’t make dis­as­ters go away. There­fore, we should accept it with a smile and soon every­thing will be back to normal.”

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