Work, the thing you do in life to fund that which real­ly mat­ters. I like to think of it like this: You work so you can live your life. You don’t live your life to work. It’s all too easy to fall into a rou­tine where you are liv­ing so you can buy a car to get you to work, so you can buy a house to sleep in to get ready for work, to take a vaca­tion to relax from, and refresh your­self for, work. So unless you are one of those lucky peo­ple who have a super strong pas­sion for your career and your work is what you want to do in life, work is some­thing that funds LIFE! Here are some of the things I have been doing that sup­port my dirt­bag lifestyle. (#Proud­Dirt­bag)

A makeshift office in Italy

A makeshift office onboard a ship in Italy (June 2012)

Work­ing in Visu­al Effects can mean long hours and every once in a while work­ing on the week­ends to meet dead­lines. It most­ly involves sit­ting in front of a com­put­er. So get­ting out­side is a must in order to find some kind of bal­ance in my life.

Here are a few of the projects I have worked on so far in 2015:

The Per­fect Guy

Sin­is­ter 2

The Shan­nara Chronicles