Sáu — The Woman and the Sea
“I work on the sea and the river. I catch fish with my husband near Chàm islands, staying on the sea for about 3 days at a time. I cook on the boat, eat the fish, take a bath in the ocean.”
“I have been catching fish for more than 10 years. I only go to the sea when the weather is good. We keep the fish at the bottom of the boat with ice, or sometimes people come to us and buy the fish (on the ocean).”
Then she saw her husband on another boat coming. She was so happy and climbed onto his boat to eat with him. She invited us to join them but the sun was sinking low over the river, so we told them we would return and join them another day.
Sáu, 53 years old
Hoi An, Vietnam

Returning to find Sau
We loved the picture and decided to have it printed for our living room. After some time we figured that Sau and her family could enjoy the photo more, so we decided to give it to her. The only problem was, we didn’t know where she lived. Transporting a photo of this size (mounted on wood) is no easy feat on a motorbike (It acts like a sail when you’re driving, catching all the wind). We would need to find where Sau lived before driving around with the photo. Check out the Instagram post to read how it happened and see a video of us surprising Sai with the photo.