Liệt, 78, Cho Ro Ethnic Group Vietnam

“This musical instrument is used for special occasions or festivals. And, when I am alone and feel bored, I play it. I was inspired to play it by my dad. Since I was a kid, I have just known how to play it without learning from someone.”
“Our songs are inspired by beautiful birds in the forests.”
“These handmade clothes are made of cotton. Not many people know how to make them anymore (by hand). There are three main colors on Cho ro clothes, they are red, white, and black. The triangle stands for Chevrotain’s foot (a small deer-like mammal found in Vietnam), this stands for python (pattern on the headband). People thought the skin of a python was beautiful so they used its image for our clothes.”
“Young generations are interested in learning how to play gongs more than this (bamboo tube instrument). Not many people play it anymore. In this community, I am the only one who knows how to make and play it. I teach young generations how to play gongs.”
Liệt, 78 years old
Chơ ro Ethnic Group
Đồng Nai, Vietnam