Liệt, 78, Cho Ro Ethnic Group Vietnam

Cho Ro Ethnic Group Vietnam

This musi­cal instru­ment is used for spe­cial occa­sions or fes­ti­vals. And, when I am alone and feel bored, I play it. I was inspired to play it by my dad. Since I was a kid, I have just known how to play it with­out learn­ing from someone.”

Our songs are inspired by beau­ti­ful birds in the forests.”

These hand­made clothes are made of cot­ton. Not many peo­ple know how to make them any­more (by hand). There are three main col­ors on Cho ro clothes, they are red, white, and black. The tri­an­gle stands for Chevrotain’s foot (a small deer-like mam­mal found in Viet­nam), this stands for python (pat­tern on the head­band). Peo­ple thought the skin of a python was beau­ti­ful so they used its image for our clothes.”

Young gen­er­a­tions are inter­est­ed in learn­ing how to play gongs more than this (bam­boo tube instru­ment). Not many peo­ple play it any­more. In this com­mu­ni­ty, I am the only one who knows how to make and play it. I teach young gen­er­a­tions how to play gongs.”

Liệt, 78 years old
Chơ ro Eth­nic Group
Đồng Nai, Vietnam

Cho Ro Ethnic Group — Summary

Official Name

Chơ ro

Population (Vietnam)


Location (Province)

Dong Nai
Ba Ria-Vung Tau
Binh Thuan

(Southern Vietnam)

Language Group



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