The walled city of Dubrovnik, Croa­t­ia is among the top 10 best pre­served Medieval walled cities in the world. Walk­ing the cir­cum­fer­ence atop the fort walls is like step­ping back to a time of war­ships and cannons.

Dubrovnik From the walls of old town, looking at the fort.

Dubrovnik From the walls of old town, look­ing at the fort.

It was decom­mis­sioned as a mil­i­tary instal­la­tion in the 70s to pro­tect the his­tor­i­cal town and pre­vent it from being a tar­get of attack in the future. Despite this it came under siege in 1991 for 8 months after the dis­so­lu­tion of Yugoslavia. The city was shelled con­tin­u­ous­ly and over half of the build­ings dam­aged and many lives lost.

Walled city of Dubrovnik. From the fort looking at old town.

Walled city of Dubrovnik. From the fort look­ing at old town.

What was once a major for­ti­fied port city boom­ing from inter­na­tion­al trade for hun­dreds of years is now a walk through history…and some­what rem­i­nis­cent of Dis­ney­land as the day pro­gress­es and the throngs of tourists ply through the nar­row cob­ble­stone streets.

If you squint you can almost make out Tyr­i­an and Cer­sei Lan­nis­ter sit­ting on the wharf.