Mid­dle Earth” or “Inner Gorge” is a canyoneer­ing route in Yosemite between upper and low­er Yosemite Falls. Since I was a kid and my mom took me to Yosemite I’ve been fas­ci­nat­ed with the immen­si­ty and beau­ty of Yosemite Val­ley. I’ve been back a few times since, but this week­end was the first time I’ve descend­ed a canyon in the park.
This 3 day trip to Yosemite was to focus on explor­ing a canyon that we had seen on our hike to Half Dome ear­li­er this year (Snow Creek), but with a day to spare we decid­ed to check out “Mid­dle Earth”.


This is one of the falls in the Inner Gorge with Mika near the top of the rap­pel. After I got down this rap­pel it was quite clear that the rope had a high chance of get­ting stuck. I radioed up to her and explained the sit­u­a­tion. There was anoth­er set of bolts at an exposed ledge 50 feet from the anchor I used, with a lot bet­ter rope pull. She pulled the rope, bagged it, rap­pelled to the next sta­tion and set this rappel.
The falls are cur­rent­ly dry but in the spring/summer this can be rag­ging with water. Def­i­nite­ly plan on going back and run­ning this again with some flow.