The giant crea­ture emerged from the deep blue depths of the ocean. I float­ed there in awe. This behe­moth could swal­low me whole if it want­ed or just a swipe of its tail and I’d be uncon­scious. Mov­ing with such slow grace, float­ing through the water. I kicked hard to keep up with it. The shark stopped and start­ed gulp­ing up water and expelling it through its gills, fil­ter feed­ing on plank­ton. For a moment there I swam clos­er, its small dark eyes glanced around at me, siz­ing me up before he slow­ly slipped away, back into the deep blue. My heart was rac­ing. Once of the most incred­i­ble things I have ever expe­ri­enced. Swim­ming next to a crea­ture 5 times longer than I am.

Swim­ming with a Whale Shark from Alden Ander­son on Vimeo.