


Chien Dan Cham Temples

Chien Dan Cham Temples

Under an omi­nous sky and set­ting sun, I pull off the high­way. Just a few hun­dred feet away three tow­ers come into view. Old and over­grown, grass and…

One Day in Hue

One Day in Hue

Hue City, the ancient cap­i­tal of Viet­nam and the high­est con­cen­tra­tion of his­toric struc­tures in the coun­try. But what do you do if you only have one day in Hue? Here is my overview for the time con­scious trav­el­er with just one day in Hue.

Imperial City Hue: The Citadel

Imperial City Hue: The Citadel

The Hue Citadel, thick walls lined with watch­tow­ers, sur­round­ed by a moat, topped with can­nons. For­ti­fi­ca­tions that sur­round­ed the ancient Imperial…

Hong Kong

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