In Ba Na Hills, high above Da Nang in cen­tral Viet­nam, a Gold­en Bridge is sus­pend­ed above the tree­tops by two enor­mous hands, the hands of God. The “Cau Vang” or “Gold­en Bridge” is quick­ly becom­ing an icon since its open­ing in June 2018. Here is what you need to know to vis­it Viet­nams’ Gold­en Bridge.

An Overview of the Golden Bridge

The Gold­en Bridge is the lat­est addi­tion to the much larg­er Euro­pean mod­eled Ba Na Hills resort town and theme park in the hills above Da Nang. It’s a beau­ti­ful bridge afford­ing fan­tas­tic unob­struct­ed views of Da Nang and the sur­round­ing coun­try­side far below.

(click an image to enlarge and cycle through the pictures)

Golden Bridge, Da Nang Ao Dai

Gold­en Bridge, Da Nang Ao Dai

A 500-foot long curv­ing pedes­tri­an bridge, seem­ing­ly sup­port­ed by two enor­mous hands that look like they’ve emerged straight out of the moun­tain. The hands of God.

Ba Na Hills

Ba Na Hills was orig­i­nal­ly built by the Frech in the ear­ly 1900s as a kind of resort town in the moun­tains above Da Nang.

Now it has turned into a resort and theme park mod­eled after towns in Europe but also includes Viet­namese and Chi­nese themed por­tions such as the Linh Ung Pago­da. It is some­times referred to as “The Da lat of Da Nang Province.” and is quite pop­u­lar with Asian tourists.

How to get to the Golden Bridge & Ba Na Hills

Ba Na Hills View from the top

Ba Na Hills View from the top

Ba Na Hills is about a 45-minute dri­ve from Da Nang by car or motor­bike. Here are the options on how to get to Ba Na Hills and the Gold­en Bridge.

1. Rent a Motorbike

You can rent a motor­bike from Da Nang and dri­ve your­self. There are so many places to rent from and the prices range from 100,000 to 150,000 for a dai­ly rental. The dri­ve is pret­ty straight­for­ward on well-main­tained roads. In Google Maps type “Ba Na Hills Park­ing Lot”.

2. Private Car or Taxi

Book­ing a pri­vate car or taxi will cost about 400,000 VND each way or 700,000 round-trip. You can book through your hotel or you can book a pri­vate car to Bana Hills through my Via­tor page here for a much bet­ter price.

3. All Inclusive Tour to Ba Na Hills

This is the way to go if you don’t want to wor­ry about trans­port and tick­ets. It’s $65 and includes trans­port both ways, the entrance tick­et for Ba Na Hills, buf­fet lunch (usu­al­ly 200,000 VND) and a guide. To book the Ba Na Hills Tour click here.

Golden Bridge Tickets — Ba Na Hills

Golden Bridge, high above Da Nang

Gold­en Bridge, high above Da Nang

The admis­sion fee for the Gold­en Bridge is includ­ed in the tick­et for Ba Na Hills and gives you access to the entire Sun World resort town includ­ing all of the cable cars as well as gar­dens, tem­ples and var­i­ous rides, and the three-sto­ry game build­ing “Fan­ta­sy Park” and var­ius per­for­mances and lots of stores and places to eat. The price is 700,000 VND per per­son and you can buy your tick­ets when you arrive or buy them ahead of time direct­ly from the Sun World Ba Na Hills web­site here.

Unless you arriv­ing at 7 am or book­ing a pri­vate tour I would rec­om­mend buy­ing and print­ing your tick­ets ahead of time so you don’t have to wait in a long line. I did see two com­put­ers near the tick­et booth where might be able to book and print your tick­ets from if you for­got to book ahead of time.

Ba Na Hills Cable Car — World’s Longest

Ba Na Hills Cable Car

Ba Na Hills Cable Car

The Toc Tien Water­fall – L’Indochine cable car at Ba Na Hills holds the world’s record for the longest sin­gle cable, as well as the great­est height dif­fer­ence between sta­tions. It affords ever increas­ing views of the moun­tains and cities below, but don’t for­get to look up (or down) at the Toc Tien Water­fall cas­cad­ing down the mountain!

There are 3 sep­a­rate cable car lines that go to the top of Ba Na Hill. If you want to reach the Gold­en Bridge first (I rec­om­mend doing see­ing it first) take the Hoi An — Mar­seille cable car Hours are 07:00 — 17:30. This will bring you right up to the Gold­en Bridge, in fact, you will see it from below on your way up, so keep an eye out for it.

Golden Bridge Tours

If you want to leave the plan­ning up to some­one else and just enjoy your day, see­ing the Gold­en Bridge and Ba Na Hills then a Ba Na Hills tour is the way to go.

Ba Na Hills View from the top

Wed­ding Pic­tures on the Gold­en Bridge

Golden Bridge Tour / Ba Na Hills Tour from Da Nang

The tour includes the trans­porta­tion to and from Ba Na Hills as well as the entry fee and a buf­fet lunch, all for $65 (per per­son). Check out the Ba Na Hills full day tour here. If you fac­tor in the trans­port fee, tick­ets, and buf­fet lunch then it makes sense cost-wise.

Golden Bridge Photography Tips

Cau Vang, Ao Dai

Cau Vang, Gold­en Bridge

1. Get there early

The Gold­en Bridge is a beau­ti­ful and icon­ic place to take pic­tures. For the least amount of peo­ple get there ear­ly! The ear­li­er the bet­ter. I arrived at the tick­et booth around 6:50 am and there were already peo­ple there.

Get­ting there this ear­ly means that you will have to either hire a pri­vate car and arrange the pick-up time before­hand or dri­ving your­self on a rent­ed motorbike.

2. Shoot all of the angles

The fea­tured image on this page was tak­en just as you enter the Gold­en Bridge. The view from the oth­er side looks like this.

The Hands of God , Vietnam's Golden Bridge

The Hands of God, Viet­nam’s Gold­en Bridge

Down some stairs on the oth­er side will give you this view.

God Hands holding up the Golden Bridge, Cau Vang

God Hands hold­ing up the Gold­en Bridge, Cau Vang

3. To get pictures with no/few people, be patient

Even if you get there ear­ly there might still be peo­ple. But, as I expe­ri­enced, you can wait and will prob­a­bly get lucky as there seems to be gaps or waves of peo­ple. Also don’t be afraid to polite­ly ask some­one to wait, (with lots of smil­ing and “thank yous” of course). As the morn­ing wears on, how­ev­er, all bets are off as wave after wave of peo­ple pour from the cable cars.

For some gen­er­al rules on how to improve your pho­tog­ra­phy right away, check out my arti­cle here.

The Rest of Ba Na Hills

There is plen­ty more to do at Ba Na Hills and the Gold­en Bridge is just the start. Don’t for­get to check out the Linh Ung Pago­da and gar­dens after see­ing the bridge (see them before tak­ing anoth­er cable car to the top of the moun­tain) The main resort and Euro­pean Vil­lage is locat­ed at the very top of the moun­tain. Check out my com­plete guide to Ba Na Hills — com­ing soon.